About Rebirthing

                                                                                 by Maureen Malone

In 1980, I took a seminar called The Loving Relationships Training.  It was an extraordinary  seminar for its time and among the many things addressed one of the most intriguing to me was the section on rebirthing.  The trainers spoke about birth, about the moment  the first breath is taken – you’ve left the safety of the womb – the connection with your mother is physically severed with the hasty cutting of the core, held upside down – slapped and forced to breathe.  Welcome to the world.

      What decisions do we make about the 1st breath.  “It hurts to breathe – It’s not safe – I’m separate – to name a few.  Most of us are left with a breathing pattern that is shallow.  Rebirthing (conscious connected breathing) is about developing a new relationship with your breath and ultimately with yourself. 

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     Rebirthing is a breathing technique in which the inhale is connected to the exhale without pause and in a private session you breathe this way for about an hour.  Rebirthing is energy (your breath-life force) clearing anything contrary to life.

     The metaphor we like to use for this is:  picture a glass of water with residue at the bottom.  As you pour more water in the residue at the bottom.  As you pour more water in, the residue rises to the surface leaving clear water.  Same with your breath.. As you circulate your breath through your body anything contrary to that life force energy (eg. negative emotion held in the body will be moved to the surface.  

     Emotionally, rebirthing allows for the integration of past emotional traumas and unresolved or repressed upsets.  Because one often holds one’s breath during emotional situations, (excitement, sadness, anger) energy can be frozen in the cells of your body.  As we oxygenate more in a rebirthing session, our cells literally breathe more – previously suppressed emotion is freed and rises to the surface.  This releases contracted energy in the bod and supports your overall well-being.

     On the physical level alone respiration supports the release of toxins more than any other function of the body, 3% of waste is eliminated thru defecation, 7% thru water, 20% thru the skin and 70% thru respiration.  If for no other reason than this, it’s worthwhile to develop a conscious relationship with your breath for your physical health.

     Notice how you breathe during the day.  As an exercise randomly tell yourself to take a breath throughout the day and notice where you are holding your breath?   - breathing shallowly? – did your shoulders drop an inch?

     In your communication with others what’s happening with your breathing?  Are you breathing easily as someone acknowledges you or you blocking receipt of that acknowledgment by holding your breath.

     Your breath reflects the way you live.  Your inhale reflective of receipt to life.  How much are you willing to take in to receive?  The word inspiration means – to inhale, to breathe life into, to communicate to suggest by divine influence.  Inspire yourself?  Your exhale represents your ability to let go easily, to give out, to let go of control, to be in flow.  By freeing your breathing mechanism thru rebirthing, you can experience increased energy and vitality, stress reduction, greater self-appreciation and self-esteem, release of long-standing physical and emotional tensions, increased intimacy in your relationships, to name a few of the benefits.

     The one other element that is included in rebirthing is mind management techniques.  Thought is creative.  What you think about expands and produces a result in your life.  Every thought you think during the day is an affirmation.  As you give your attention to something negative, you increase the feeling of negative emotion.  We use affirmations (amony other suggestions) as a way of consciously choosing what you want to plant in the garden of your mind.  What do you want to see bloom?  In this way an affirmation is a mental form of conscious breathing.  As you affirm, anything contrary to the positive thought (often hereto fore unconscious) will present itself to you.  You get to see what thoughts or feelings are coloring your perspective and experience of life in a limited way. You get to choose change.

     Rebirthing is an exciting adventure in self-discovery.  By changing your breath, you can change your life.  By breathing in new thoughts you can choose a new perspective.  Your breath is an inherent gift of life.  Why not unwrap it now and see that a present it offers you.



Conscious Energy Breathing and Basic Self Healing Ideas

by Leonard Orr

Conscious energy breathing is an art and a science. It has been called spiritual breathing, intuitive breathing, conscious connected breathing, and rebirthing breathwork.

It also has been called a biological experience of God. It is very simple and easy to do, especially in the presence of a well trained, experienced, breathing guide. When we connect the inhale with the exhale, we are experiencing the duality of the inhale and the exhale in unity. When we experience merging of the inner breath with the outer breath, we are experiencing another duality in unity. It is this unity that is the biological experience of God, Infinite Being, or Divine Energy. This is the essence of life itself. This essence is also the space between our thoughts. It is the thinker, which is the source of our thoughts and everything in the universe. It is nearer to us than our very breath, and it is the source of the breath of life. The space between our thoughts is the infinite, eternal presence. The miracle of this simple connected breathing rhythm is that it brings this presence into the physical body, cleans, heals, and nourishes the body and also cleans and brings peace to the mind.

Most people have an experience during some of their first ten sessions in which their whole body is immersed into the source of life. They feel one with the universe. This is the oneness of duality that is called a biological experience of God. Spirit and matter are merged in a way that is very energizing and rejuvenating. Mind and body are integrated in a way that can almost be called a scientific experiment of spirit. It seems to happen to everyone. It is repeatable, verifiable, and predictable for most people. This is a physical experience of the unity of being. This experience that people have in completed energy cycles which involves spirit, mind, and body is what has enabled the practice of conscious energy breathing to spread around the world to many millions of people.

Conscious energy breathing is not information, it is an experience or series of at least 10 one to two-hour energy cycles that yield an ability. This ability is the ability to breathe energy as well as air. The ability is actually learned from the source of the breath itself. It is essential to have the total attention of the breathworker in individual personal sessions. The breathing guide assists the breather to contact this source. The role of breathworker seems to be essential to create a space that is safe enough for the student to have this experience. And the breathing guide has knowledge and experience that is also essential to gently guide a person’s breathing through a completed energy cycle. High quality personal, private energy cycles in a quiet, safe, and comfortable setting are the key. They are the essence of learning to breathe fully and freely. They produce peace and energy. The goal of each breathing session – each energy cycle – is relaxation and peace. The goal of each session is to keep breathing until we feel good. A normal completed energy cycle takes one to two hours. Our breathing is empowered by our natural divine energy.

A conscious energy breathing experience is an integration of spirit, mind, and body. Each session tends to be a spiritual experience, a mental and emotional experience, and a physical experience. The sessions enable us to feel whole and healthy. Some people feel totally loved in a unique way for the first time and their sessions naturally enables them to love more and to receive love more easily. Conscious breathing is good for relationships, especially when all members of the family are practicing gentle breathing rhythm and mastering the relaxation it provides.

When we practice gentle consciously breathing energy on a daily basis, we can start each day feeling good and being full of fresh, clean, pure, and peaceful life energy. 

Peace and energy is an unbeatable combination. Conscious energy breathing is the easiest source of relaxation and peace and powerful, healing life energy. Everyone who has learned it, loves it. It is as valuable as learning to think for ourselves or learning to eat or cook for ourselves. Learning this ability is easier than learning to ride a bicycle or drive a car or learning to swim. Energy breathing is our birthright as the children of God. Most people report that it is the most valuable self healing skill they have ever learned.​

Breathing is the bridge between the visible and the invisible. Breathing is the basic source of all health and healing. Without efficient breathing, the body returns to dust, and is more susceptible to disease. Without breathing, we become invisible. Breathing is life. Learning conscious energy breathing is one of the most valuable and intelligent things we can do for ourselves – for our mental, emotional, and physical health. And yet it is the safest and most natural way of breathing. Actually, we are relearning to breathe the way newborn babies breathe.

Breathing energy fully, freely, and naturally is the way we started out breathing. You can observe this if you study the natural way that babies and young children breath. How did we lose it? 

Every negative experience and thought and feeling we have inhibits our breath more and more each year. In our society, we require breathing instruction long before we are teenagers. Scientific studies reveal that most people become zombies before the age of thirty. Then people lose the spirit of adventure and try to keep everything stable while they wait around to die. Maybe senility starts before the age of thirty. We haven’t learned how to cure zombie consciousness in our society. Our educational systems are not even thinking about it. They are too immersed in zombie and deathist mentality. Any negative experiences and thoughts we still have locked in our mind or body memories that are still inhibiting our breathing can be released by the connected breathing during a high quality energy cycle with a good breathing guide.

Many atheists and agnostics have learned conscious energy breathing. The surprising thing is some of them said,” I still don’t believe in God, but I experienced God and the oneness of the universe.” Others have said, “I am no longer an atheist.” It is pretty difficult to resist the definition of God as the space between our thoughts, and the source of our intelligence and the source of our every breath.

The breath is the bridge between the invisible and the visible. If we stop breathing we will become invisible. Breathing is the most natural way that we bring the power and beauty of the invisible spirit into visible reality. Breathing is the basic source of human life and health. Breathing is the basic spiritual, mental, and physical healing power. Maybe the only reason other methods of healing work is because the patient keeps breathing. Improving our breathing ability, many people say, is the most valuable personal healing skill they have ever learned.​

Most great healers recommend better breathing, better diet, and colon cleansing as the first things to do when we are sick. They are basic. After doing these things, then if we are still sick, we can try other things.

The basic training for a breathing guide is to receive at least ten sessions and then to take at least three people through ten sessions. Being a breathing guide is very satisfying work. It involves watching divine energy moving in another’s body and facilitating this experience by intuitively guiding the breathing rhythm. The cardinal virtues of a breathworker is love, gentleness, intuition, and good communication.

The simple act of connected breathing is mystical and magical. It can be very powerful and healing. Breathing is relaxing. Relaxation is the absence of disease – of not being relaxed – dis-ease. Conscious connected energy breathing is the basic cure for the most popular disease, which is the stress and tension of everyday living. Conscious energy breathing can also manage or eliminate pain. Relaxation can heal the mind as well as the body.

Conscious connected energy breathing is an ability anyone can learn. Children can also learn it at any age. Giving completed energy cycles to infants during their first year is special skill, but a few highly skilled breathworkers have learned how to do this. Naturally, we normally require the parents to do at least ten sessions before working with their babies and we prefer that the parents learn how to give sessions to their children by assisting the breathworker in each session given to their children. And we have also taught people in their 90’s. Most people can learn conscious energy breathing in at least ten two-hour sessions with a good, gentle, and intuitive breathing guide. It is so simple that many people have tried to teach themselves. This is a free world and everyone is welcome to try. Most if not all people get stuck at a certain point. They fall asleep, or space out. Some people experience the symptoms of the hyperventilation syndrome and become afraid. Completed energy cycles are important. Please be good to yourself and make it easy by finding a well trained and experienced breathing guide. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Those of us who have learned conscious energy breathing notice that having an objective external breathing guide is the best and most responsible way to learn this valuable skill. A breathing guide is a person who has had at least ten sessions and has received enough training to feel confident in guiding sessions for others. Most likely the breathing guide has taken many people safely through ten sessions already. Over ten million people have learned conscious breathing all over the planet. It is very popular, but only to people that know about it or have done it. Most people know about it through friends that have done it. Most people still don’t know about it. High quality breathworkers do little advertising because they usually have so many clients that they have to train their students to keep up with the demand.

Your first conscious energy breathing session
It usually takes one to three hours, which includes some time to talk before and after the completed energy cycle.

A high quality breathing guide does nothing but guide your breathing rhythm during the actual session. It may seem that they are doing nothing, but it takes experience, intuition, and wisdom, love, training, and self esteem to be a high quality breathing guide. Intuition cannot be taught or learned with words, it can only be discovered through lots of experience. Intuition here means the ability to see and facilitate the energy movement through accurate guidance with the breathing rhythm.

So talking is permitted before and after a breathing session, but during a session the goal is to only breathe in a gentle, intuitive, connected, and eventually conscious way.

Learning conscious breathing is the safest thing we can do. And most people who learn it say it is the most valuable thing they ever learned, comparable with learning to think for themselves, or preparing a quality future.


Intelligent Energy    by Leonard D. Orr  

Energy becomes what it thinks about.

This is the most basic truth about Life.

If you really understand these words, you are spiritually enlightened. Energy becomes what it thinks about. Energy is the Source of all things. Energy is Infinite Being, the Eternal Spirit; Energy is Substance. Energy is God. But Energy is evenly distributed throughout space and time. It just exists and doesn’t do anything. Energy just is! 

However, thinking is a quality of Energy and moves Energy. When Energy becomes impregnated by thought, Energy organizes Itself into the form directed by the thought – which may be a physical thing. Energy naturally becomes what it thinks about. Energy directed by thought can materialize into physical things, social realities, or personal feelings and spiritual abilities. 

There is only one Energy in the universe, but there can be any number of thinking centers of this energy. All thinkers share the same Energy. We are all activity centers in the same Energy. We are thinking centers in the same One Being. We create our own reality, we share the reality which others create, and we become aware of the reality which the Ultimate Thinking Center of Energy has created. We usually call it Nature or God. We are the director of this Energy and so is everyone else, but there is a greater original Creator who has created a very big universe for us to play in. 


We each create our own reality within this big game and we try to successfully interact with the Big Creator and other people’s creation, but we also have, given to us by our family tradition and conditioning from our parents, a whole package of created things. To the extent that we are recreating our parents’ reality, we have to learn to choose it or un-create it in order to be free. We begin absorbing our parents feelings, thoughts, and manifested realities when we are in the womb. By the time we become enlightened and accept our creative power, we have a whole repertoire of feelings, beliefs, habits, and realities to work with. 


We can stay stuck with them or we can change them. To heal the emotional mind we received from our family is called spiritual liberation. This seems to take a lifetime for people to successfully do, but we cannot succeed at all if we do not start the process of self healing. And our chances of success are determined by the quality of principles and practices which we use.

We begin by passing judgement upon each thought as it flows through our consciousness.



Selecting a mantra and working with it constantly is the perhaps the most efficiently way to upgrade the quality of our thoughts and feelings. A good mantra should focus our Energy on the realization of our natural divinity. It will liberate us from negative thoughts, feelings, and realities. It will enable us to create what we like and consciously choose. It will make it easier to master our life. We can also upgrade the quality of our thoughts by studying the great Scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, The Devi Bhagavatam, and especially the Shiva Purana which is the most complete picture of human divine potential as well as inspiration and practices to achieve it.


Bathing twice per day cleans the energy body which is our mind in action. Daily bathing is an infinitely valuable spiritually powerful practice. We cannot survive in this world with all kinds of “energies” flying around us every day without the spiritual purification practice of daily bathing. Without bathing, we become more polluted and our body becomes stiffer until we can no longer function in this world and we die to get out of the world. Water purification keeps us alive. It makes Life more pleasurable and gives us greater power and mastery. Drinking good water is also water purification. 


Diet is also important. The lighter food we eat, the more Life Energy we have. The human body and energy system was not designed to process meat according to the oldest Scriptures – The Shiva Purana – as well as modern science. The popular practice of eating meat kills more people than alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs combined. Having a personal exercise system is also important. And having a career that we love and enables us to win the money game is also a part of earth mastery. Receiving body massages and listening to good music are also earth disciplines.


We have to learn the ability to breathe energy as well as air. Intuitive energy breathing, often called Rebirthing, is one of the most important skills of spiritual liberation.



Fire purification is also very important. Water, Earth, Air, and Fire are the eternal qualities of this Infinite Energy. Learning the spiritual power of fire and using it on a daily basis is a healing practice that is essential to human health and aliveness. Fire purification keeps us alive. Fire can clean our energy body and help us maintain our physical body in health and joy. Fire can burn pain, tension, and disease out of the body. Exposure to an open flame is as important to human health as good food, exercise, energy breathing, daily bathing, and wholesome thoughts. Fire is magical and powerful. Fire is a physical quality of God that can clean us and heal us spiritually and physically.



Love is also essential. Love is the subjective experience of Infinite Energy. To the extent that we feel love, we are tuned into our Divine Energy. Intelligent Energy creates with mind, earth, air, water, fire, and love. The basic idea of spiritual purification is to clean and balance our energy body often enough to keep it in joy and good working order so we can enjoy Life – so that we can embody and express this Infinite Energy in the world. 


Energy become what it thinks about. To the extent that we do daily spiritual practices with mind, water, earth, air, fire, and love, we move steadily on the path of spiritual liberation, personal freedom and power, and aliveness. To the extent that we neglect these fundamental qualities of our divine nature, we increase our emotional mud and lose our health and aliveness, our peace and joy of living. Without spiritual purification practices, our life urge becomes weaker, more dense, filled with darkness, and living becomes more difficult. Our body gets stiffer and stiffer. Religions that are not focused upon spiritual purification practices produce dead people. Without spiritual purification, people become sick and stiff like zombies. These dead zombies spread emotional energy pollution, sickness, and death to everyone they contact. 

Understanding these ideas is basic to living as Intelligent Energy. Energy is love and bliss and power. This Intelligent Energy has thought itself into earth, air, water, and fire. The Life of the universe as well as the human body is the intelligent and loving interplay between earth, air, water, and fire. From the standpoint of human existence, earth, air, water, and fire are the eternal qualities of God. Earth, air, water, and fire have to exist before you an have a human body as we know it. Therefore earth, air, water, and fire precede human beings. To have a conscious relationship to earth, air, water, and fire through simple daily spiritual practices with them is basic to realizing our potential as Intelligent Energy. I give you these fundamental thoughts out of love. 


What is Rebirthing
by Judy Gabriel

Take a breathe, and another, and another-connect the inhale with the exhale-- feel your body, feel your feelings, let all the tension and negativity in your body go; then experience the flow of peace and relaxation within your body. If you have experienced all this and more, you have just completed a Rebirthing session.

Sounds too good to be true? Not so, Rebirthing is a simple breathing technique which can transform your body, mind, spirit, as well as your perception of who you were, who you are, and who you will be. How does this work? First, let's look at the word "spirit" or "prana" or "ki" or "chi", or "geist" or "genie," or whatever you call the force that enlivens the body. In every one of the languages, the traditions in which you find these terms, the meaning of the root word is either "breath' of 'wind." In fact, in Genesis, God breathes into the dust he has just molded to spiritualize it, making it in his own image. So breath, religiously and mythologically, is a very significant component. Spirit or breath exists everywhere in our daily lives. Besides having spirit itself, you perspire, respire ,inspire, conspire, aspire, suspire, transpire.
You point at the spire of a church, you receive inspiration from the preacher, you observe spiracle objects, and finally, when death approaches, you expire--you know that one last, long breath, when spirit leaves the body. On the more mundane level, try holding your breath and see how significant it is. A lot of people play around with how much they eat and drink. Do you notice that no one is doing a breath fast. Breath is the force that moves every single system of the body.

Yet, although you do not "breathe fast" you certainly do hold your breath--when you are frightened, angry, resentful, or any time you don't want people to see your feelings. By not breathing you suppress feelings. Many times your body tries to get around you by yawning or sighing. Watch someone on the verge of tears who does not want to cry publicly and see how much they sigh. Your body is always trying to look out for you, but your ego thinks it knows better, so you repress the desire to express, creating an ever more dense and diseased body. After all if you don't "ex" "press", which simply means to "push out" you "sup" "press", which means "to push down." Where do you think you push all of that emotional material? When you can't digest food properly because of some bodily dysfunction, you get heartburn, indigestion, colitis, diverticulitis, etc.; yet, you fail to understand that all of your half-digested emotions help create the physical havoc in your body.

Breathing in a circular fashion for a length of time in the presence of another first relaxes the body, then the mind and spirit, and before you know it, the emotions of a lifetime begin to surface. Not all at once, of course, or you would explode. The body again has its own wisdom. What comes up first is usually what needs to be addressed in the present. If a traumatic past emotion comes up, it probably is the cause of something unresolved in the present that needs addressing. So little by little you get clear of all the excess baggage you subconscious mind, your spirit, and your body have been carrying around for a long time. Finally, having fully digested or integrated those emotions, you can use them consciously to respond to the world instead of reacting to it. The word, "de" "pression" also means "to press down," and what is pressed down is your life force that is burdened with so much subconscious debris you cannot consciously understand. Then you wonder why you are unhappy, unfulfilled, spiritually barren, and lonely. You have no idea what you hauling around. The fifty pounds of extra flesh is not your only uncomfortable baggage. The multitudinous sorrows, fears, and other unexpressed, unfelt emotions you have held on to for years weigh you down interminably.

Looks easy! Why do I need a rebirther. Believe me, when thirty years of anger begin bubbling to the surface, your first reaction may be fear. It is nice to know someone who has gone through this process is by your side to let you know that there is nothing to fear and to support you in getting rid of that which you may dread. Maybe nothing comes up for you except a deep relaxing feeling. You may want to doze off. Your Rebirther won't let you, nor will he/she let you leave your body because you really don't want to experience those old feelings even if it means experiencing them for the last time. Your Rebirther is a breath coach and a support team, someone who has been trained not to let his ego interfere with your process, someone who helps you through whatever emotion, thought, pain, numbness, or bliss you are experiencing.

Ahh, bliss. Yes, that is the goal of Rebirthing. For example, not knowing how to relax your body, you go for a massage. If the therapist is good and you respond, you may feel totally relaxed for the first time. You now know that it means when someone says, "relax."
The same holds true if you meditate. You don't know what a meditative state feels like until you've been there. How many of you have truthfully felt blissful in your life? If someone told you to feel bliss, would you know what to feel? Probably not. Society does not promote blissful feelings. You should feel duty, obligation, responsibility, guilt, commitment, lone, friendship, etc., and those are not defined too well for you either, but Bliss? What is it? Until you feel it, it cannot be described. A successful series of rebirths, usually seven to ten, can help you shed enough suppressed material to feel true aliveness, your bliss, for the first time in your life. You may begin to connect the inhales and the exhales so effortlessly that what at first seemed like hard work becomes easy and joyful as though someone else were breathing for you.

That experience, that feeling, is amazing, and although Rebirthing is not an immediate panacea for your or the world's ills, it reminds you of the way the Universe intended you to feel from the beginning before you felt separate from it and other people, getting bogged down in the much and mire of society and daily living. That feeling reminds you, when you think you are drowning, that there is a rescue team--inside yourself--for renewal and compassion so that you can face whatever the world puts before you with true unconditional love and a desire to act in a unified and purposeful manner to solve all those important dilemmas. They are no longer dilemmas when you can face them with bliss; they simply "are," and you can laugh at the foolishness of thinking they were something so big. You can laugh and act, making you a true child of god, peacefully tending your life and your earthly garden.

Many times you look at a Mother Theresa and say "I could never be like that, so calm in the face of all that poverty and death." The fact is you can because you already are; you just don't know it. Rebirthing
will help you find bliss, the still small voice, the rest and relaxation that is your human birthright.


Why An Altar?
by Tony Lo Mastro & Sue Sipos
The sanskrit word for altar is Assan, and it means a seat for God.
In many cultures an altar is a home fixture; some homes have an altar in every room. An altar is used as a focal point for the family to become united toward sacred worship, meditation, celebration and gratitude. an altar gives you a place to put things that have a lot of meaning for you, like a beautiful fabric to cover the altar, sacred pictures, family pictures, oils, candles, crystals, gems, stones, incense, shells etc. An altar is also a place for your requests and goals.
Quoting SondraRay in her book Pure Joy, page 5 paragraph 2: "You might have resistance to an altar if you have not cleared your feelings about religion and any disappointment you have around that subject. To do that, I recommend that you go back to your original church and sit in a pew and breathe a lot. Forgive everything that was confusing and be grateful for everything that was good and inspiring and loving."
An altar is a sacred spot
An altar keeps you focused every time you pass by.
An altar renews and reawakens your sense of divinity.
An altar reminds you to think holy thoughts.
An altar is a place to bare your soul.
An altar is a place to be humble.
An altar is a place to open your heart.
An altar is a wonderfull way to love God
Love & Gratitude Tony Lo Mastro & Sue Sipos


La respiración es vida, cualquier pensamiento negativo que retenemos, cualquier emoción que bloqueamos inhibe la respiración, lo que significa que se interrumpe la conexión fluida con nuestra nutrición espiritual. Muchos pensamientos negativos están relacionados con nuestra primera respiración fuera del útero materno, es decir, con el temor mismo de respirar, el cual lo asociamos con cambios irremediables, o sea con la lucha. A través de la respiración consciente y conectada movilizamos energía y esto nos lleva a la habilidad de respirar tanto energía como aire, logrando un beneficio orgánico y el poder accesar a nuestro archivo emocional. La respiración Consciente y Conectada de la energía nos permite contactar con los grandes puntos limitantes:

- Trauma del nacimiento y nuestros primeros años de vida: El nacimiento es un acto impactante en nuestras vidas, es nuestra primera experiencia social. Los recién nacidos absorben el entorno y, por tanto, muchos de los sentimientos negativos producidos por los adultos, lo cual constituye un indiscutible peligro, este acontecimiento y los primeros siete años de vida, marcan nuestra percepción del mundo y nuestra participación en él.

- Desaprobación paterna, incluyendo el colegio y la religión: Nuestros padres o sus sustitutos fueron nuestra primera autoridad afectiva y moral, algunas de las expresiones o mandatos hechos por ellos pudieron habernos confundido, lesionado y marcado profundamente, a pesar del amor y la buena intención que implicó ese mensaje. Cómo lo que más queremos es complacer a estos "afectos" pero la confusión trae miedo y el miedo trae parálisis seguimos arrastrando estas desaprobaciones hasta hoy día no sólo con los padres sino con cualquier figura de autoridad como puede ser el maestro o el jefe.

- Los pensamientos específicos negativos: El pensamiento es creativo y crea todo aquello en lo que se enfoca consciente o inconscientemente. Está comprobado científicamente que tenemos más de 80.000 pensamientos en un día y el 80% de ellos se repite una y otra vez, de tanto repetir un pensamiento se convierte en una creencia y de tanto repetir esa creencia en nuestro mundo interior creamos resultados en nuestro mundo exterior y así va la cadena repetidamente hasta que se convierte para nosotros en una ley: "La Ley Personal". Siendo esta "Ley" aquellos pensamientos o creencias negativas que hemos tenido en momentos de nuestra vida, desde nuestro nacimiento o antes, limitando nuestras vidas y haciéndonos caer en los mismos resultados, a pesar de nuestros buenos deseos de cambiar. Son nuestros propios pensamientos cuando mal usamos la mente

- La urgencia inconsciente de muerte: Desde nuestro nacimiento, desde la primera respiración fuera del útero sentimos la diferencia entre estar afuera de estar adentro, en la mayoría de nosotros esta diferencia no fue bien digerida y nos causó miedo y ese sentimiento de perdida nos acompaña a lo largo de la vida, el miedo al cambio y a la perdida, lo cual lo relacionamos con la muerte. De tanto que le tememos, la tenemos presente en nuestras mentes y actos y por tenerla tan presente, el miedo nos persigue y nos hace sacrificar lo más preciado que tenemos: El Presente. La urgencia de muerte es la acumulación de pensamientos anti-vida que tenemos.

- La senilidad: Además de lo que pudo representar el nacimiento en nuestro mundo interior y exterior, los dos primeros son una de las etapas más importantes de nuestras vidas. Esta primera etapa donde no podíamos expresar exactamente lo que queríamos, cuando éramos absolutamente dependientes (afecto, alimentación, higiene, sueño, salud, etc.), es una etapa de sobrevivencia pero también es una etapa "cómoda" donde la responsabilidad de nuestra sobrevivencia la tienen otros: mamá y papá o sus sustitutos. Observamos cómo al final de la vida de ciertas personas esta etapa se repite exactamente igual, se vuelven dependientes otra vez, también vemos como ciertas "enfermedades" y adicciones arrastran a las personas a ese estado. Son memorias no resueltas de la primera etapa de la vida.

- Bloqueos en nuestra multidimensionalidad: Los Físicos afirman que el mundo no es realmente como se ve y que el mundo material está hecho de energía. En otras palabras, el mundo material sólido que creemos conocer y vivir, es sólo una masa de energía vibrando a diversas velocidades. Desde el momento que reconocemos esto, reconocemos que si tenemos bloqueos en una dimensión eso repercutirá en las otras, y la cadena se vuelve infinita por el cúmulo de memorias que tenemos.

En un ciclo de Rebirthing, el cual consta de 10 sesiones asistido por un(a) Renacedor(a) Profesional, a nivel individual y grupal, se crea un entorno afectivamente efectivo. Permitiéndole a la persona que ha experimentado en su vida dolor por la carga negativa acumulada de cualquiera de los puntos ya citados y que la han llevado a mantenerse en tristeza, rabia o resentimiento, transformar esas emociones a su polo positivo integrando el aprendizaje a su vida. Se van desvaneciendo patrones de comportamiento no deseados y se abre el corazón para recibir amor, luz, paz y prosperidad, en fin, la celebración de la vida. Rebirthing es sanación porque nos conecta con nuestra esencia que es la fuente de todo nuestro vigor interior, la cual nos retorna a nuestro equilibrio holístico.


Breath: Doorway to a New Dimension by OSHO

We are breathing continuously from the moment of birth to the moment of death. Everything changes between these two points. Everything changes, nothing remains the same.

Only breathing is a constant thing between birth and death.

The child will become a youth; the youth will become old. He will be diseased, his body will become ugly, ill; everything will change. He will be happy, unhappy, in suffering; everything will go on changing. But whatsoever happens between these two points, one must breathe. Whether happy or unhappy, young or old, successful or unsuccessful – whatsoever you are, it is irrelevant – one thing is certain: between these two points of birth and death you must breathe

Breathing will be a continuous flow; no gap is possible. If even for a single moment you forget to breathe, you will be no more. That is why you are not required to breathe, because then it would be difficult. Someone might forget to breathe for a single moment, and then nothing could be done. So, really, you are not breathing, because you are not needed. You are fast asleep, and breathing goes on; you are unconscious, and breathing goes on; you are in a deep coma, and breathing goes on. You are not required; breathing is something that goes on in spite of you.

It is one of the constant factors in your personality  that is the first thing. It is something that is very essential and basic to life  that is the second thing.

You cannot be alive without breath. So breath and life have become synonymous. Breathing is the mechanism of life, and life is deeply related with breathing. That is why in India we call it prana. We have given one word for both: prana means the vitality, the aliveness. Your life is your breath.

Thirdly, your breath is a bridge between you and your body.

Constantly, breath is bridging you to your body, connecting you, relating you to your body. Not only is the breath a bridge to your body, it is also a bridge between you and the universe. The body is just the universe that has come to you, which is nearer to you.

Your body is part of the universe. Everything in the body is part of the universe – every particle, every cell. It is the nearest approach to the universe. Breath is the bridge. If the bridge is broken, you are no longer in the body. If the bridge is broken, you are no longer in the universe. You move into some unknown dimension; then you cannot be found in space and time. So, thirdly, breath is also the bridge between you, and space and time.

Breath, therefore, becomes very significant...the most significant thing. If you can do something with the breath, you will suddenly turn to the present. If you can do something with breath, you will attain to the source of life. If you can do something with breath, you can transcend time and space. If you can do something with breath, you will be in the world and also beyond it.

Breath has two points. One is where it touches the body and the universe, and another is where it touches you and that which transcends the universe.

We know only one part of the breath. When it moves into the universe, into the body, we know it. But it is always moving from the body to the “no-body,” from the “no-body” to the body. We do not know the other point. If you become aware of the other point, the other part of the bridge, the other pole of the bridge, suddenly you will be transformed, transplanted into a different dimension.

One has not to practice a particular style of breathing, a particular system of breathing or a particular rhythm of breathing – no! One has to take breathing as it is. One has just to become aware of certain points in the breathing.

There are certain points, but we are not aware of them. We have been breathing and we will go on breathing – we are born breathing and we will die breathing – but we are not aware of certain points. And this is strange. Man is searching, probing deep into space. Man is going to the moon; man is trying to reach farther, from earth into space, and man has not yet learned the nearest part of his life.

There are certain points in breathing which you have never observed, and those points are the doors  the nearest doors to you from where you can enter into a different world, into a different being, into a different consciousness.



Thich Nhat Hanh 

Meditation Poem (On breathing)

From The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, by Thich Nhat Hanh (pronounced Tick-NotHan)

The fourth element of our body is air. The best way to experience the air element is the practice of mindful breathing. “Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out.” After saying these sentences we can abbreviate them by saying “In” as we breathe in and “Out” as we breathe out. We don’t try to control our breathing. Whether our in-breath is long or short, deep or shallow, we just breathe naturally and shine the light of mindfulness on it. When we do this we notice that, in fact, our breathing does become slower and deeper naturally. “Breathing in, my in-breath has become deep. Breathing out, my out-breath has become slow.” Now we can practice, “Deep/slow.” We don’t have to make an extra effort. It just become deeper and slower by itself, and we recognize that.

Later on, you will notice that you have become calmer and more at ease. “Breathing in, I feel calm. Breathing out I feel at ease. I am not struggling anymore. Calm/ease.” And then, “Breathing in, I smile. Breathing out, I release all my worries and anxieties. Smiles/release.’ We are able to smile to ourselves and release all our worries. There are more than three hundred muscles in our face, and when we know how to breathe in and smile, these muscles can relax. This is “mouth yoga.” We smile and are able to release all our feelings and emotions. The last practice is, “Breathing in, I dwell deeply in the present moment. Breathing out, I know this is a wonderful moment. Present moment/wonderful moment.” Nothing is more precious than being in the present moment fully alive and aware.

“In, out

Deep, slow

Calm, ease

Smile, release

Present moment, wonderful moment.

If you use this poem during sitting or walking meditation, it can be very nourishing and helping. Practice each line for as long as you wish.

Another practice to help us be aware of our breathing is counting. As you breathe in, count “one” and as you breathe out, count “one” again. Then “Two/two,” “Three/three,” until you arrive at ten. After that, go back in the other direction: “Ten/ten,” “Nine/nine,” and so on, until you arrive back at one. If you do get lost go back to “one” and begin again. Relax. It’s only a game. When you succeed in counting, you can drop the numbers if you like and just say “in” and “out.” Conscious breathing is a job.”

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk. His lifelong efforts toward peace – particularly during the war in Vietnam – inspired Martin Luther King Jr. to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967. He lives in exile in a small community, Plum Village (www.plumvillage.org), in France where he teaches, writes, gardens, and works to help refugees worldwide. 




By Gayle E. Carlton 

            Rebirthing is a relaxing and energizing technique of breathing in a gently connected rhythm.  Its valuable results can be far reaching physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  It most often leads to a deeper sense of self-appreciation, self-acceptance and inner nourishment.

            Each person is individual in needs, desires, perceptions and experiences.  By fully honoring and accepting oneself, one opens to life, energy, an inner sense of ethical choice and individuation.  As the experience of life expands, deep personal meaning is revealed from within the self and a feeling of well-being pervades.  Rebirthing can be a powerful initiatory tool and/or a valuable skill to use along the way on one’s personal path of self-exploration.

            Physically, Rebirthing is an invaluable technique for relaxation.  It can assist in reducing stress, and increasing energy, vitality, stamina, health and oxygen flow to the whole body.  Breathing is one of the principle ways the physical body naturally cleanses itself.  Rebirthing can be utilized to open the breath fully so that one may experience a free and easy flow of air throughout the entire lung capacity.  It can be used to deal effectively with, reduce and sometimes completely relieve physical pain because it teaches the body a pattern of relaxation using breath.  Rebirthing is a great asset to women giving birth or during visits to the dentist, for example, because of its ability to decrease pain and stress.  It can also relieve life long patterns of tension held in the body.  Many people have successfully used this tool as part of an effective healing plan for a variety of illnesses and discomforts, including Asthma, Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.

            Emotionally, Rebirthing often allows for the integration of past emotional ‘traumas’ and unresolved or repressed upsets.  Because one often holds one’s breath during emotional situations, e.g. sadness, grief, anger, fear, energy can be ‘frozen’ or blocked around those events.  By breathing fully and freely, ‘frozen’ or blocked energy around those memories can be released and integrated, relieving the ‘trauma’ associated with the past experience.  Rebirthing teaches the body a pattern of breathing and relaxing while consciously experiencing emotions and feelings rather then with-holding, repressing or dramatically acting them out.  Connections have been discovered between emotional traumas and physical problems in the body.  In breathing sessions it is possible to release and integrate the energy held in emotional pain.  This can also relieve physical symptoms. 

            Mentally, Rebirthing can help bring forward a clarified perspective and assessment of situations and events, past and present.  It assists in the ability to view situations form new and various view points.  This can be an aid in decision making.  It also assists in a deeper acceptance and appreciation of oneself and others.  Many people report permanent, positive shifts of perspective and deep loving feelings for themselves and others.  The acknowledgement of new viewpoints brings forward a flexibility of possibilities which carries over into other areas in one’s life.  

            Many of the perspectives we have about ourselves, others and life have been held unchallenged since childhood.  Severely limiting perspectives can greatly inhibit our self-esteem, self-expression, pleasure, opportunities, relationships and potential.  Often these perspectives are not the only ones held by our psyches but the alternative viewpoints to the ones we consciously accept may be hidden away from our awareness.  Rebirthing sessions may spontaneously bring forward more expanded possibilities of belief and perspective that an individual holds but may not be aware of .  Simple breathing can put one into touch with material inside which brings a feeling of renewed aliveness, possibility and a connection with areas which are normally less reachable because of limited perspectives held on an outer level.  People often shed inhibitions that they have been holding for years, giving way to more laughter, joy, pleasure, self-esteem, strength, passion and self-honesty.  Rebirthing helps to reveal and rediscover dimensions of self and possibilities of being.

            Spiritually, people report feeling more in tune with themselves, more relaxed, less anxious, and more intuitive.  There is often an experience of feeling renewed and revitalized.  It has been defined by many as enhancing feelings of being more connected with one’s own sense of spirit and a peaceful feeling of well being.   


  • Open, easy and free breathing
  • Increased energy, vitality and youthfulness
  • Stress reduction
  • Deep relaxation
  • Greater self-appreciation and self-acceptance
  • Deeper self-understanding
  • Stronger sense of self
  • A way of clearing the mind
  • Improved health and well being
  • Development of deeper intuitive insight
  • Ability to experience, accept and relax with emotions and feelings
  • Increasing ability to handle intensity, excitement, intimacy and energy
  • Increased ability to tap creative flow
  • Easier pregnancy and childbirth experiences
  • Ability to relax into physical pain and intense physical sensation (can even be used to alleviate pain completely)
  • Increased ability to stay centered and calm in the presence of others who are upset.
  • Increased ability to tap feelings of deep nourishment and communion with one’s own internal sense of spirit.
  • Release of life long patterns of physical and emotional tension. 


Rebirthing is composed of 3 phases: 

  1. 1.     Dry
  2. 2.     Warm Water
  3. 3.     Cold Water 

            Rebirthing is most often begun in the dry phase.  These sessions take place in a comfortable room in a reclining position in the presence of a Rebirther (a trained guide).  At least 10 sessions and a feeling of comfort with the process in this phase is completed before moving to the next phase.  

            Phase two is Warm Water Rebirthing.  During this phase the sessions take place in a hot tub or bath.  The warm water combined with the connected breathing brings forward deeper, often more pleasurable feelings and material. A deeper state of relaxation is often achieved.  The number of sessions in this phase varies.  

            Phase three takes place in cold water.  This is a very exhilarating experience.  People may reject the whole idea of this phase until they experience it. Then they love it.  This phase is done by slowly immersing the body inch by inch into the water while continuing the connected breathing rhythm.  One does not continue with the next inch until feeling completely relaxed and comfortable.  Again the number of sessions of this phase can vary and is optional.  


            A Rebirther is a trained guide for the Rebirthing sessions.  The Rebirther has been through many Rebirthing sessions and attended trainings in supporting others through the process.  Because of Rebirthers’ experience and knowledge of the process they can provide a safe and nourishing environment for clients to experience their own process.  The best gifts a good Rebirther brings to a session are trust, intuition and compassion, the kind and amount of training they have received can vary.  

            It is the Rebirther’s job to be fully present and supportive during the breathing session.  In the initial stages of the process, the clients is learning a pattern of breathing in a connected, relaxed sequence.  Since it is possible to vary precise rhythms from faster to slower or shallower to deeper or to have difficulty finding an appropriate rhythm, the Rebirther is there to help.  The Rebirther can assist the client in establishing first comfortable connected breathing and then the appropriate and most useful rhythm.  The appropriate rhythm can change through out a session. 

            It is also a Rebirthers job to teach clients how to Rebirth themselves.  A good Rebirther supports clients in evaluating and intuiting the appropriate rhythm of breathing for themselves as the sessions progress.  By the end of 12 or so sessions clients will hopefully feel ease in rebirthing themselves although they may elect to continue working with Rebirthers. 

Once clients can successfully Rebirth themselves the Rebirther’s presence provides support and added feelings of safety which can assist clients in touching deeper inner material if desired. 

Clients may have discoveries about themselves or their relationships with others such as family, spouse or job.  Often the Rebirther’s role is just to listen and accept and perhaps to help clarify the perspective being expressed.  The Rebirther may also present alternative perspectives which will help the client to see the situation in a more open minded way.  It is not the Rebirther’s job to correct the client’s viewpoint but to offer a wider set of possibilities.  This is very helpful. 

It is recommended to work with one Rebirther until the process is integrated and one feels comfortable Rebirthing oneself (usually 12 to 15 sessions), then working with different Rebirthers as desired.  This is because the presence of different Rebirthers can be valuable in working with different inner material. 


            A Rebirthing session consists of two parts, the actual breathing session itself and sharing and consultation with the Rebirther. 

            The breathing portion of the Rebirthing session brings forward sensations of energy flowing through the body.  They have been described as a pleasant and delicate, flowing electrical current, also as a heightened sense of inner alertness, a relaxing vibrational hum.  These sensations often heighten as one relaxes more and more into the rhythm of breathing and an acceptance of self and the process. 

            The energy flow described is heightened by gently connected conscious breathing.  Clients are placed in a reclining position so that full relaxation can be achieved.  Clients start by consciously becoming aware of how they are breathing,  Gradually, one begins by gently drawing in air and then relaxing fully during the exhale, followed by the next inhale. Without any pause between the inhale and the exhale or the exhale and the inhale.  One desires to keep the length of the inhale steady, relax the exhale fully and eliminate all pauses so that a gentle, connected, flowing cycle is established.  This may seem difficult at first but within a few minutes the sense of laboring to breathe dissipates, an ease and flow develops and breathing becomes deeply pleasurable as the pattern is continued.  The length of the inhale is a variable that is adjustable, as is where the inhale is directed in the lung cavity, i.e. upper chest, lower chest, etc.  By taking 5 or 6 breathes in the manner just described one can assess one’s own breathing.  Is there tightness anywhere?  Is it difficult to relax fully on the exhale?  Several sessions of Rebirthing open up areas where the breathing is difficult and establish the connected rhythm.  Once the breathing is fully opened, this technique can be easily utilized during ties of stress and tension. 

            As one continues the connected breathing rhythm, a pleasurable energy current begins to build.  It builds, peaks and then subsides.  This is called a ‘cycle’.  A Rebirthing session usually consists of one to three cycles, although this varies.  The intensity also varies from session to session.  At the end of the session one feels relaxed and energized and a sense of feeling complete.  The symptoms of strong energy flow have subsided.

            There usually comes a very pleasurable point in the initial series of sessions in which the breath is fully open and free.  It has been described as feeling ‘as if the breath is breathing you.’  This can be re-experienced in later sessions.  People also often experience a feeling of breathing fresh, clean, cool mountain air which tastes sweet regardless of where they actually are.

            There are varying theories among Rebirthers as to the advantages of nose breathing versus mouth breathing.  It is advantageous to feel comfortable completing cycles in each style.  It is not recommended to shift from one to the other during a breath.  To inhale in the nose and them exhale through the mouth or the reverse inhibits the connection between the  inhale and the exhale.  It is this connection which is an important part of the breath used in Rebirthing.

            People often experience deep psychological insight and clarity during sessions and a feeling of ease, self-appreciation and wellbeing. Many people have experienced memories of past events, including physiological experiences of birth, the womb and infancy.  These memories can release patterns of tension in the body held there since those experiences.  Other possibilities are insight and understanding of unresolved problems, release of long held fears, strong feelings of love for self and others, clarity about decisions, feeling of deep inner nourishment, spontaneous disappearance of physical symptoms of disease, a more youthful appearance, a glow and softness to the skin, the return of feeling to areas previously numb, emotional releases, intuitive flashes, spiritual experiences, joy, laughter, full and effortless breathing, instant dreams, vitality and aliveness, complete relaxation, harmony, peace, deep feelings of safely and trust, self-discovery and self-acceptance, recognizing life long patterns of thought, perspective and behavior. 

            A Rebirthing session usually includes a consultation between the client and the Rebirther.  The consultations focus on material from the breathing session, discussing and sharing any feelings, insights or concerns during the length of the client/Rebirther relationship.  One might discuss problems, fears, successes, insights, dreams.  The Rebirther may bring forward exercises to strengthen self-appreciation and aid in tapping one’s own areas of inner wisdom and intuitive abilities.  A well trained Rebirther wants to encourage the client to open doors of self-discovery and work with the material coming forth from with in the client in a nourishing environment. 

            Through the breathing process and consultation life long patterns of behavior and thought are often revealed.  By conscious recognition of the patterns in one’s daily life, one can appreciate and learn from them rather than feeling at the effect of them.  A well trained Rebirther has an ability to observe these patterns and support their discovery by the client. 


         In the first few sessions of Rebirthing, people can experience symptoms  which they may first interpret as distressing.  One of these can be a great deal of tinglig in various areas of the body.  Tingling can feel similar to the kind of ‘pins and needles’ expression used to describe how one’s hand might feel when the circulation has been impaired and we say it has ‘fallen asleep’.  This tingling can be felt in various parts of the body.  Most often it is felt in the arms and hands, legs and feet and the jaw and mouth area.  Another symptom sometimes experienced is a stiffening and curling of the hands or stiffness in other body areas and a feeling that they cannot be moved.  Through years of experience I have found these symptoms to be a very curious phenomenon both in my own sessions in Rebirthing and in observing others.  I have seen people who seem unable to move their hands reach down unknowingly with complete ease and scratch their leg and then return to the same stiffened position.  In my own experiences I have found that if I fully allow myself to be present and accept the whole situation the way it is and tell myself the truth about how I feel, as well as focusing on connected relaxed breathing, then the stiffness quickly dissipates and turns into a warm feeling of increased pleasure.  In observing others, I have also found that when they accept and be with themselves while continuing relaxed connected breathing it disappears immediately.  Some people prefer to fight and struggle with it until it dissipates on its own or as the cycle comes to completion.  The degree to which anyone might experience these symptoms varies widely.  Some people never experience them at all.  Often the symptoms can be seen as good news.  For they may be indicating that the client is approaching some new material for self discovery which is blocked form conscious view.  As the client opens to accepting and appreciating that material not only do the symptoms disappear but also one opens to more energy flow and a more expansive view of self, which is rewarding and stimulating.  The symptoms do not reflect the quality of the sessions.  It seems the person most determined to control and hold onto narrow perspectives of self and life that experiences the most difficult sessions at first.  The only material that can come forward with in the session is that which is within the client.  It is the client opening to new perspectives and accepting self that best supports a comfortable session when the symptoms appear.  Of course, the connected breathing rhythm always dissipates the symptoms as one just keeps breathing.  It is within the first few sessions of Rebirthing that these symptoms are most widely experienced, dissipating in intensity as sessions continue. 

           Sometimes in sessions people seem to go to sleep or lose awareness, “go unconscious”.  Going to sleep often happens when the physical body is very tired and that is what it most needs to do.  The sleepiness especially comes up as the body relaxes more and more form the breathing.  It is often best at that point to let people sleep for 20 to 25 minutes, which refreshes the body, and then let clients determine whether they are then ready to continue the breathing session or go home and sleep.   Sometimes people lose conscious awareness in the session and have instant dreams.  If the material is remembered it can hold valuable images for the person. Sometimes during these times, the breathing can become very shallow and the person may feel startled when they awake.   This can happen in the time period before material comes to consciousness that the person hasn’t looked at before or a way of avoiding feelings.  It may also be a way of the body obtaining full relaxation momentarily.  It seems to be a natural mechanism of the body and the self.  In any case, the Rebirther encourages the person to take a few deep breaths upon waking which alleviates the startled feeling if it occurs.  If there seems to be more sleeping than breathing for a number of sessions it is sometimes helpful to have a discussion about what might be the cause and what might be done about it.  The well trained Rebirther observes and works with these symptoms for a maximum benefit to the client.


        Often Rebirthers will offer group Rebirthing experiences.  Here several people will gather and breathe together with a few Rebirthers in attendance to provide support and guidance.  Group Rebirthing can be very valuable in one’s process.  It is best to do group Rebirths after one feels completely comfortable Rebirthing oneself.   


          Rebirthing is not hypnosis or mind control.  The breathing induces a natural, altered state of awareness.  People feel very present during the session but not necessarily aware of what is going  on externally around them as much as what is going on inside of them.


         Sometimes Rebirthers will utilize a tool known as affirmations to help clients to shift their perspective.  An affirmation is generally a simple sentence or thought the person uses by repeating or affirming it over and over until that perspective is fully acceptable as a reality.  It is a well known metaphysical principle that “what you focus on expands”.  The more you think or perceive something to be a certain way, the more it tends to look and be that way to you.  For example, if clients feel that they hate themselves and deserve to be rejected, then they will perceive everyone else as also feeling the same way about them and interpret behavior toward them as rejecting.  This can severely limit their pleasure and opportunities in life.  By affirming that they love themselves and deserve to be loved and accepted by others over and over again until they can touch and feel the part of themselves inside which does love the self a whole new perspective opens up to who they are and what is possible.  The components that make affirmations work are a combination of thought and desire.   

            It is important when using affirmations to pay attention to the “response column”.  The “response column” is the part of the mind that is insistent that the new thought being offered is not true and seems determined to warn one over and over again against believing it.  For example in the beginning stages of using the affirmation “I Love myself,” one might immediately notice the mind say, “No I don’t, I hate myself.”  If one tries to ignore and repress that response it will only get stronger and more insistent and undermine the results being achieved by the affirmation.  If one notices it and allows it to be there without trying to avoid or destroy it, it seems to lose its power.  One hears the mind’s denial of the affirmation and acknowledges it because of course one thinks that about oneself or one wouldn’t be using the affirmations.  The response column can also uproot thoughts from the subconscious that one was not aware of before, but which were coloring conscious perspectives.  Affirmations open up the mind to alternative perspectives.  It doesn't mean the thought: “I hate myself.” Goes away and never comes back, it just is no longer the thought that controls how one always feels about the self.  Affirmations are a wonderful tool of self discovery and a great deal of fun to use.  One can learn that it is possible o really make shifts in perspective by choice and to actually obtain results affirmed.


            It is recommended that you use your name in affirmation statements, that you affirm them in all three persons: I, Jane; You, Jane; She, Jane.  Affirmations can be written out ten or twenty times a day, chanted, spoken to your reflection in the mirror, or in a variety of possibilities.  It is not recommended that you try to affirm other people doing things you think you want them to do.  That approach is ineffective, disappointing and manipulative.  Affirmations are an ancient tool and have been taught for hundreds of years.  There is a great deal of information available on their use from many sources.


         When people first discover Rebirthing they sometimes express a fear of Hyperventilation.  This is a rapid, shallow and uncontrollable breathing which is considered dangerous if not brought under control.  Usually someone experiencing hyperventilation is told to breathe into a paper bag to increase the level of Carbon dioxide in the blood and thus restore normal breathing.  Some Doctors working with Rebirthing have reported that Rebirthing can be effective in helping people with Hyperventilation tendencies..  At one time, a hospital in Santa Cruz, California would call in Rebirthers when a person was admitted to the emergency room with Hyperventilation.  It is possible that Hyperventilation is brought about by emotional stress.  The Rebirthing process seems to be effective in alleviating the Hyperventilation symptoms.  Although I have sometimes had clients who appeared to Hyperventilate in their sessions and I have also appeared to do so in my own process, the rapid breathing has never produced any dangerous results and in fact has enhanced the session  I have never heard of any problems in any Rebirthing session from Hyperventilation which required medical attention.  


         A Rebirthing session usually lasts from 2 to 3 hours.  A session includes: Time for the Rebirther and client to share with each other and discuss any current issues, a full breathing session, further consultation after the breathing is complete and time for final sharing and re-entry.  The actual breathing takes from 1 to 2 hours.  Most people experience it as a much shorter span of time.


         A minimum of 12 to 15 sessions is recommended for the initial series, spaced approximately one each week apart.  The schedule is flexible depending upon the client.  The initial sessions include at least 10 sessions of dry rebirthing and then several sessions of warm water rebirthing, followed usually by a few sessions of cold water rebirthing.  At the conclusion of the initial series the client should have enough experience to use the techniques without assistance and with results if desired.  Often people elect to experience more sessions with other Rebirthers and some go on to train to be Rebirthers themselves.  After the initial series, the number os sessions in a series experienced with other Rebirthers is negotiated between each client and Rebirther. 


         In general Rebirthings cost $100.00 to 200.00 per session.  Wet Rebirthing may be more expensive because of the costs of the hot tub used for the session.  Rebirthers determine their own rates of charge.  Some will charge small amounts, others a great deal.  Some Rebirthers will negotiate if necessary.  Since Rebirthers enjoy rebirthing they want to provide the service for people at reasonable costs.  Since the initial set of sessions consists of 12 to 15, it is advisable to determine what you can pay reasonably and find a Rebirther who can work with you.


         Choosing one’s initial Rebirther is on of the most important parts of the rebirthing process.  Picking a Rebirther one feels comfortable with and can trust is crucial.  It is recommended that clients ask themselves, “Would I feel comfortable being vulnerable with this person?”  If not, it is best to continue interviewing Rebirthers until one is found that one feels sure about.  If the client comes to distrust the Rebirther ad cannot resolve it through sharing and discussion with his or her it is best to change Rebirthers.  A series of sessions with a man and a series of sessions with a woman are highly recommended.


         Rebirthing in the format presented here was originally brought forward in the early 1970’s by Leonard Orr in California  it was initially started by having people fully relax in a hot tub while being supported.  The idea developed from Leonard Orr’s experiences of staying in warm water baths for long periods of time.  Over several years, it became apparent that the key to the transformations and experience was held in the relaxed connected breathing.  The experiences with breathing then developed into the present form.  Over a million people have been rebirthed all over the world.  Several different factions of beliefs and variations of the technique have also developed.  The actual use of breath as a transformational tool is ancient.


         The name Rebirthing was chosen because of two connotations.  The first is that the word “rebirth” also means renewal.  People experiencing Rebirthing feel a renewed sense of self and vitality about life.  Secondly, the name comes from the idea of actually re-experiencing and remembering one’s physical birth.  Many people have had memories, visual and physiological of their birth experience, time spent in the womb and during infancy in their sessions.  These memories are often later verified by people who were

present during that time of the client’s life.  It is quite remarkable to witness the verification of an early memory that the client has had no prior intellectual information about before the emergence of the memory in a Rebirthing session.  


         Rebirthing is an exhilarating and rewarding experience which allows us to open up to the awareness of the energy of life within ourselves.  Who we are as human beings is much more vast than our normal awareness has the capacity to comprehend.  Yet, through tools such as rebirthing we can reach deep, rich areas of who we are. let them touch our conscious awareness and share them with the people surrounding us, bringing to ourselves and others an expanded arena of life and love in which to be. 

         When we begin to touch, love and appreciate deep levels of ourselves that we may not have been allowing ourselves to embrace previously, we often make changes in our lives, which are inclusive of this new awareness.  This might include leaving unhappy jobs or situations and finding new ones, which really inspire us.  We may allow ourselves to do thing we have always wanted to do.  We surround ourselves with people who can really love and accept us as we are rather than those who cannot.  We speak up, saying what we think and sharing how we feel because who we are and how we are is acceptable and valuable to ourselves.  People begin to listen to us in a new way.  They may seek us out to be in our love, energy or just to receive food for thought.  In turn, we ourselves are opened to new possibilities in experiencing and appreciating others and life.   

Rebirthing is a gift we give to ourselves with lifetime rewards. 


         Gayle E Carlton has an extensive background in the Rebirthing field.  She began working with the technique in 1978.  She has maintained a private Rebirthing practice for nine years and has actively participated in the management and production of cooperative Rebirthing centers, weekend trainings and long term programs designed to teach Rebirthing, self-appreciation, self-leadership and personal development.

         For three and one half years she was a member of the staff of Theta Seminars in San Francisco, including a term as staff coordinator.  Theta Seminars was a cooperative rebirthing center, teaching all phases of Rebirthing.  She has participated as a staff member in (3) 6-month personal development programs working with 20 to 35 participants and an 8 week course designed specifically for couples desiring to enhance their relationships.  She also worked in San Francisco and New York City from 1981-1984 in various phases of the production and promotion of the Loving Relationships Training.

For the last 3 years she has been studying and integrating the energetic healing and expansional work of Alex Lukeman and V. Brugh Joy, M.D.

         She has been training Rebirthers since 1986 and has led numerous seminars and workshops around the country.  Some of the subjects have been Self Analysis, Rebirthing, Parental Disapproval Syndrome, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Intuition, energetics, Self Empowerment, Prosperity and women’s discussion groups.  She has been privileged to have trained and worded side by side with most competent and successful Rebirthers in the country.

         Gayle was originally educated at West Valley College and San Jose State University in California, majoring in Speech communication.

         Gayle brings all of her collective education and experience together in the support of her clients self appreciation and discovery 

For more information on Rebirthing Breathwork, The Loving Relationships Training, 

The Nine Month Program, and Personal Growth Seminars, contact: 

The New York Rebirthing Center  Upper East Side  Maureen Malone (215) 431-8838 / 212 534-2969

e-mail:  maureenmalone@earthlink.net         

The Philadelphia Rebirthing Center  1027 69th Avenue  Philadelphia  PA 19126

                        Tony Lo Mastro (215) 424-4444     Fax  (215) 924-6808    e-mail: tonylomastro@gmail.com 



Rebirthing. – by Dan Brule


So many people around the world are doing this work now. And each person brings his or her own style and focus to the process. As we learn and grow, what we teach and how we teach, naturally changes: as we change, our work changes.

But one thing has not and will not change: it is the specific way of breathing that defines the Rebirthing movement. So I’d like to offer my understanding of it, and the kind of coaching that I give in sessions. 

The Rebirthing Breath, also called the “Circular Rhythm” or Connected Breathing.” can be defined or described in this way: “conscious, connected, circular, rhythmic, energy breathing.” It’s the art of breathing energy as well as air. Here in a nutshell are the key elements of the practice: the how to’s and what not’s of Rebirthing.

1. Breathe in and out the through the same passage.

2. The inhale is active and the exhale is passive.

3 There are no pauses or gaps between the breaths. 

An active inhale means that you pull the breath in deliberately, expanding the entire breathing cavity. A passive exhale means you simply let the breath go: you set it free. Breathing through the same channel means that you breathe either in and out the nose, or in and out the mouth: but not in the nose and out the mouth. No pauses means that inhale and exhale come together into a smooth steady uninterrupted flow: like a wheel turning.  Making the inhales active and the exhales passive is the act of merging opposites—polarities like yin and yang—above and below, within and without, past and future… 

“Conscious Breathing” 

Consciousness is the latest development in evolution: it is our greatest tool for survival. For the most part, breathing is usually automatic and unconscious. Your unconscious breathing habits, patterns and tendencies are not necessarily natural or optimal. Conscious breathing allows us to correct unhealthy or dysfunctional ways of breathing, and to heal the breathing mechanism itself. Conscious breathing allows us to take over from the machine. With conscious breathing, we can deliberately give the breath a certain quality: we can breathe with a specific intention. We can use the breath to increase our aliveness and joy, peace and power. We can use it to reduce pain and tension, anxiety and stress. We can use it to express and reflect our highest spiritual aspirations and values. 

“Connected Breathing”

Connections in life are vital. We are intimately connected to life, to nature, to each other, and to reality. The mind is connected to the body.  Emotions, chemistry, physiology, psychology, are all part of a unified whole, and they are all connected to the breathing. Eliminating pauses, gaps, and breaks in the breathing gives us a sense of wholeness, and a direct experience of “oneness.” It creates in us a unity of spirit, mind, and body.

“Circular Breathing” 

Circles and cycles are fundamental patterns or structures in life and in the universe. Existence expresses them on every level. Life is rife with them. Nature is based upon them, and functions according to them. Our own growth, as well as cultural and social development moves forward in a cyclical, circular fashion. Completion and wholeness is expressed by circles and cycles. Any so by building this principle into the technique, we ensure that what we do is in harmony with nature, life and the universe.

“Rhythmic Breathing” 

Rhythm is another fundamental universal principle. Building it into the technique assures us that what we are doing with the breath is in harmony with “what is” naturally happening in the universe and in life. And rhythm allows us to really get into the process. It provides a focus and it acts as a gauge. As various thoughts and feelings and emotions arise, we can observe changes in the breathing rhythm. And by consciously changing the breathing rhythm, we can activate and clear various energies from our system.

“Energy Breathing”

Everything in life is an expression of energy; everything is a form of energy. We are energy beings. This energy has been called prana, chi, ki, life force, or spirit. It is the animating principle of life. It is the “breath within the breath.” Light, sound, vibration: it’s what makes life beautiful and powerful!

Changes always occur on the energy level before they are expressed physically. By developing awareness and control of our life force energy, we can stay ahead of illness. We can take a more conscious and creative role in our own healing process. We can work in harmony with the changes taking place on the planet. And we can better handle the everyday conditions and circumstances of our lives. Mastering our relationship to energy makes us captains of our ship, and masters of our destiny.

A simple way to understand the practice is to see it as engaging in one of three breathing rhythms: fast and full, slow and full, or fast and shallow. Use fast and full breathing when you want to activate a lot of energy, or when you find yourself spacing out or going unconscious. Use slow and full breathing when you want to integrate something wonderful—when you want to take in a beautiful moment. Use fast and shallow breathing when you are experiencing something intense or uncomfortable, or when you simply want to have fun—when you want to play with the energy! 

When you practice the rebirthing technique—while breathing in this connected circular rhythmic way—stay awake, be aware! Watch your thoughts.  Pay attention to the feelings and sensations in your body. Don’t react, resist or judge. Instead: accept, allow and enjoy! Don’t try to control the natural healing process. Just observe it. Be a witness to it. 

It is so simple: just breathe in and out without stopping, holding, pushing, forcing, avoiding, or resisting... In the beginning, it helps to give the inhale an “oohh” shape; and to give the exhale has an “aahh” shape.

After several minutes of connected breathing, the “energy experience” begins. Allow this energy to come up, to move, and to take over your body.  Use every inhale to draw in more energy, and use every exhale to relax into the energy. Keep letting go into the experience. Don’t try to control the energy. Keep relaxing more with each breath. Notice any tightness in your muscles. Deliberately release this tension with each breath. Keep expanding with each inhale.

Think “soft and open, soft and open” “expand and relax, expand and release” “pull in and let go, pull in and let go” Keep your jaw, neck, shoulders, hands, back, belly, legs relaxed. Keep your throat open and your chest loose. 

Various “symptoms” will come and go throughout the process: like dizziness, tremors, vibrations, sensations of heat, cold, spontaneous laughter, crying, primal sounds, emotional releases, memories, images, insights, etc. Simply allow and observe these things along the way of this inner journey. Don’t let any of these things interfere with, or interrupt the breathing rhythm, or your relaxation. Don’t let them send you into thoughts and judgments. Simply breathe and relax into each new feeling, sensation, and emotion.

Remember that under every feeling is another feeling; behind every emotion is another emotion. And behind it all, under it all, is pure love, pure peace, and pure joy. Keep moving—breathing and relaxing through everything—all the levels, until you arrive at your “Highest Center.”

Feel your feelings. Allow and accept whatever is happening in you to happen, without acting on it, or reacting to it. Don’t judge or resist your feelings. Turn every new thought, feeling or emotion—every reaction—into another conscious inhale and another releasing exhale. Get out of the way! Let something higher and deeper in you direct the process. Let the life force have its way with you! Let go into the peace that passes understanding! 

Don’t be afraid of the unknown, or of loosing control. You are always already free. You are always already safe. You are surrendering to a higher part of yourself. Say “yes” to life. Say yes to every part of you.  Say yes to everything that happens inside of you. Breathe love and light into every cell of your body. Practice Forgiveness and Gratitude.

Let the breath open you to your deepest highest self. Melt into it. Merge with it. Expand with it. Then come back, bringing with you the energy, the flavor, the quality of that source, that essence! Be renewed by the experience. Stay with the awareness of it. Use every breath to keep theawareness of this place alive in you. And in between sessions, find simple creative ways to share and express the divine being that you are! Find ways to express the love and light that fills you when you breathe your way to this place of awe!

Good luck in your practice!